Divorce Mediation Upcoming Courses
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Divorce Mediation Certificate Program
Upcoming Workshops


Books for Spouses and Professionals

Buy The Mediator's Guide to Reaching and Writing Agreements

Buy Divorce Without Fear, Hostility, Lawyers or Other Nonsense

Divorce mediation has now surpassed litigation as the preferred method by which spouses work out disputes over the terms of their divorce. 


Unlike divorce litigation, in which communication is adversarial, mediation emphasizes collaborative communication, allowing divorcing spouses to reach mutually satisfactory agreements with less emotional and financial strain. Further, divorce mediation has a higher likelihood of success in resolving disputes between spouses on issues like the division of their assets, and how they will raise their children. As a result, divorce mediators are increasingly hired in lieu of divorce attorneys. Spouses simply want professional assistance, outside of the adversarial system of litigation, to assist them in working out fair terms by which they will end their marriage relationship in an efficient and cost-effective way.


Purpose of Divorce Mediation


Divorce mediation offers a structured process where a neutral third party, the mediator, assists a divorcing couple on reaching a complete agreement on how they will divide their marital estate and care for their children after they end their marriage relationship. The goal of the mediator is to help their clients communicate effectively, identify their interests, and negotiate solutions that meet their individual and mutual needs. Mediation is particularly valuable in preserving relationships, especially when children are involved, and in providing a more private and controlled environment for dispute resolution.

Online Live Certificate Programs

Divorce Without Fear, Hostility, Lawyers or Other Nonsense
A self-paced, on-demand program for divorcing spouses and the professionals who work with them

Includes an Introduction to Divorce Mediation for those considering mediation as a part-time or full-time profession!

Jump into this comprehensive, on-demand, self-paced program today! It will walk you through all of the issues that divorcing spouses need to address in order to have an uncontested divorce. It is perfect for spouses who are divorcing or contemplating divorce, and for professionals who work with individuals or couples who are divorcing or contemplating divorce. 


Through 50 lessons, the course provides a clear explanation of the issues that must be agreed upon or decided by divorcing spouses, how the process of mediation can be used by divorcing spouses as they make decisions and agreements on all of the issues that need to be addressed, and some valuable tools to keep you organized and on task to get through the process efficiently, without hostility and without any of the exorbitant costs typically incurred in legal fees.


The program provides a clear step-by-step process that you can use if you are a divorcing spouse, or someone trying to assist divorcing spouses in getting through the divorce process without fear, hostility, lawyers or other nonsense.


The program provide comprehensive information about divorce mediation. too! So, if you are thinking about becoming a divorce mediator, you will be well informed about what to expect if you decide to pursue mediation as a part-time or full-time profession. 


Most of the 50 lessons in this program are video lessons. There are no quizzes, assessment or homework assignments. Since it is an on-demand, self-paced program, you can work through lessons on the days and times that are convenient for you, without any deadlines. Why not start right now?


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